New Site Builds

Sites generated from GSP at the moment start completely blank, steps 1-7 will eventually be automated.

1. Create a new V4 site in GetSetPro

  •  Navigate to the account in GetSetPro, for example.
  • Click + to add a new site, choose "StevePress (v4) BETA" as the type.
  • Enter the subdomain.  This is only used internally until the client domain goes live.
  • Click "Save"
  • "Deploy Site"

Navigate to for the following steps.

2. Import the theme

  • Navigate to Theme, click "Import Theme".
  • Select the Theme site to import the theme from.  Click "Save".

3. Import the theme-specific pages

The theme-specific pages.  These includes layouts and at minimum a homepage.

  • Navigate to Pages, click "Import Page".
  • Select the Theme site to import the pages from.  Select any available pages.  Click "Copy Pages".
  • Navigate to Layouts, click "Import Layout"
  • Select the Theme site to import the layouts from.  Select all of the layouts. Click "Copy Pages".

4. Import the the Starter site pages

  • Navigate to Pages, click "Import Page".
  • Select the Starter site to import the pages from, excluding whatever pages you just imported from the Theme site.  Select the pages to import. Click "Copy Pages".

5. Import the Forms

  • Navigate to Forms, click "Import Form".
  • Select all of the forms, click "Copy Pages".

6. Create a Menu

  • Navigate to Menu, create a new menu and add the pages to the menu ("Add Missing Pages").

7. Update Site Settings

  • Navigate to Settings
    • Ensure the homepage is set.
    • Add the client logo and optionally the favicon.  
  • Get GetSetPro content
    • GetSetPro is not currently pushing data to V4 yet (bug), in the meantime you can get the GSP content by navigating to Settings > GetSetPro > "Get GSP Data"

8. Make the client-specific design updates

  • Navigate to Layouts
    • In the header layout update the client logo and select the correct menu
  • Navigate to Theme
    • Adjust the Typography to suit the new client site.
    • Adjust the color schemes to match the client logo.  Use to generate a nice color combo (lock the middle swatch to the client logo color).
  • Navigate to Pages
    • Find any page containing a form (for example Appointment Request Form and Patient Registration Form).  You'll need to edit the form embed on these pages and reselect the form.
    • Swap out the placeholder images with real images.  If an EyeCarePro-owned image is added to a client site be sure to check "Library Image" after uploading the image.

9. Send site to the content team

  • To be discussed...